Fédération Française de Giraviation

Fédération Française de Giraviation

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The French Giraviation F eration is the national and international representation of practitioners of sports and leisure activities. Association Act 1901, it federates associations, companies or individuals who practice leisure, work or sport.

It operates with working committees that deal with problems such as young people, sporting events, private training, insurance, recreation ...

She is the privileged interlocutor of the aeronautical authorities (DGAC) and this title intervenes in the evolution of the regulation of the practice of the giraviation.

It grants grants from its Ministries (DGAC and Ministry of Sports), fully used for training, safety and sport within the framework of its affiliated clubs and its members .

In the National Council of Aeronautical and Sports F rations (CNFAS), it meets very frequently with the leaders of the other aeronautical federations and with the common problems encountered by the practitioners of the air activities .

It organizes each year the French Championships of helicopters who select the best teams to represent FRANCE at the World Championships every 3 years.

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