langue fr AKKA Technologies - 15/11/2023

Akkodis Sweden Hackathon | Gatubarn i Nepal

Hacking sustainability! We recently brought together some of the talents and brilliant minds within our organization for the annual Akkodis Hackathon in the Nordics! This year, the event focused on the intersection of IT and Charity, specifically exploring how we can further support the Swedish NGO Gatubarn i Nepal (Street Children in Nepal) beyond our current sponsorship. A total of 6 teams from Akkodis in Northern Europe joined forces in Stockholm, Sweden, to tackle the challenge of leveraging technology to combat poverty, reduce trafficking, and enhance the lives of children in Nepal. The results of their 24 hours of relentless work left us in awe of their accomplishments within such a short timeframe! These teams pour their hearts and minds into crafting ingenious and sustainable solutions, marrying cutting-edge technology with their limitless creativity. The winning team developed a digital art gallery where individuals can purchase artwork created by children in Nepal. The proceeds from these sales will contribute to funding the NGO, enabling them to expand their efforts in providing housing, education, and brighter future prospects. A heartfelt shoutout to everyone who participated. You made sustainability through technology happen!

More info about Gatubarn i Nepal here: