langue fr Draganfly - 18/03/2024

Draganfly to Integrate Drones with Knightscope Autonomous Security Robots & Systems

Draganfly Inc. and Knightscope, Inc. a leading innovator in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies focused on public safety, are pleased to announce that Knightscope has selected Draganfly to jointly develop an autonomous security solution that combines Draganfly drones with Knightscope Autonomous Security Robots (ASRs), emergency communications devices & Knightscope Security Operations Center (KSOC) user interface & remote monitoring platform.

The integration of Draganfly's drone solutions equips Knightscope with another state-of-the-art tool that, combined with its industry-leading ASRs and emergency communications platforms, enhance already powerful operational capabilities, thereby offering a scalable, efficient, and highly effective solution for modern security challenges.

Draganfly's provision of a drone solution with Knightscope represents a significant security and perimeter monitoring technology advancement. Integration of the drone solution with ASRs, emergency communication systems and the KSOC represent a major advancement in readiness and efficiency. A rapidly deployable, multimodal operation for surveillance, monitoring, intervention, and post-event evidentiary support will benefit Knightscopes clientele and greatly elevate community safety.