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Camas is a French group set up in 2001 to respond to requests from airports for vocational training. For more than 15 years, the Group has been working hard to provide quality training courses for professionals.

Camas is also a national location: Roissy Charles de Gaulle, Orly, Marseille, Nice, Lyon, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille, the Union, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guiana and Mayotte. In addition, Camas is also active in developing countries, notably in the United States, South Africa, China, Malta, Morocco, Mauritius, Switzerland and Turkey.

Cr in 2001, CAMAS (Learning Center of Mirds of Ground Assistance) has an activity that is historically linked to transport at nothing. We have traditionally been involved in the transport, airport, track, cleaning, freight and safety sectors, in partnership with companies present on Roissy Charles de Gaulle, Orly, Lyon, Nice, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Lille, Marseille, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Guyana, the Union and Mayotte. We are also present in the United States, China, Malta, Morocco, Mauritius, Switzerland and Turkey. Some of these trainings in connection with the airport are also adapted to other sectors: logistics, handling of cargo handling (CACES), warehousing and messaging, cleaning (etc.).

Aware of the challenges of training for companies, young people or employees, we have been able to diversify our offer of training: foreign languages, management, gestures and postures, lifeguard first aid, communication, professional aptitudes, self- Air port modules, hazardous materials, and many other offers that make up our catalog.