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Ecole Nationale Supérieure d Electrotechnique, d Electronics, d Informatique, d Hydraulics and T l communications

The INP-ENSEEIHT is a public school of engineers in 3 years, under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research. The INP-ENSEEIHT is one of the seven components of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, in collaboration with the Ecole Polytechnique.

Applied to the quality of its training, INP-ENSEEIHT is bought by the industrialists: 350 engineers are graduated per year in the fields of information and communication technology, , Transportation, energy ...
INP-ENSEEIHT relies on its four internationally recognized research laboratories (IRIT, IMFT, LAAS and LAPLACE).
Toulouse is the second university city of France after Paris. Thanks to its cultural and economic richness, Toulouse offers the School, located in the city center, a particularly dynamic and pleasant living environment.