ENSI Ecole Nationale Supérieur d' Ingénieurs de Bourges

ENSI Ecole Nationale Supérieur d' Ingénieurs de Bourges

Given ever-growing safety requirements and concerns surrounding sustainable development, risk management has become a strategic issue. Being a strategic necessity for economic players, this subject has become elevated to a science. Since its creation in 1997, the National School of Engineering at Bourges has made this its mission and main area of study.

This is because risk management engineering corresp onds to and fulfils as many needs as there are diverse and numerous opportunities in this field!

Enterprise must be increasingly able to assess and continuously alleviate risk, irrespective of the field of activity impacted: chemistry, metallurgy, nuclear, agro-business, equipment, pharmaceutical, plastics, waste treatment, transport, Internet, IT, finance and insurance, for example.

The engineer in charge of safety must know how to evaluate the probability of an accident, as well as how to assess and prevent any repercussions. Furthermore, he must be able to communicate in a language adapted to varying audiences, which can include scientists, the media, lawyers, doctors, elected representatives or local authorities.

Risk Management requires a multitude of techniques, know-how and skills, and therefore needs high-level multidisciplinary training. In addition, this requires leading-edge research, strong partnerships with Enterprise, and wide-ranging networks on a national and international scale.

This is the focus of all the programs and educational initiatives implemented at ENSI Bourges.

This public establishment, recognized by the Commission des titres d'ingénieurs (Commission for Engineering Titles) was created in 1997 with the right to award accreditation from the Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (Ministry of Higher Education and Research).

ENSI Bourges is a member of the Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs (Conference of French Engineering Schools) (CDEFI), and the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (Conference of Graduate Schools) (CGE).