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Randstad, expert in the world of aeronautics

As a recruitment specialist, Randstad has a network of about ten agencies in France dedicated to the world's aerospace industries. Each year, they recruit more than 3,500 candidates from the third lighthouses of aeronautics.

Randstad also develops innovative schemes to promote the matching of jobseekers and recruiting companies. In 2012, 500 employees in the automotive sector were offered a car-to-business job portal in order to facilitate the reconversion of a sector in difficulty to a branch with a high labor demand.

About Randstad

Randstad is the leader in specialized recruitment, in CDI-CDD & int rim. The Randstad network in France:

- a national network of 550 agencies
- 40,000 companies trust us
- 47,000 interim fees in FTEs
- 5000 professionals recruited in fixed-term contracts in 2013

Our 5 national networks of specialized agencies by sector of activity are reinforced by p orts of expertise and animated by professionals of the field. More than 550 agencies in France to serve you:

- Construction: electricity-heating-air-conditioning, structural work, public works, finishing, finishing ... industry: agro-food, environment, pharmacy-cosmetics, other industries ...

- Transport, logistics & trade: trade, driving on road, filier re portuaire, h tellery-restoration, logistics ...

- Experts & professionals: a ronautique, automobile, automobile repair, m canique-maintenance- industrial electricity, m tallurgiechaudronnerie-solde, nautisme, naval, nucl aire ...

- Tertiary & Services: m third of the assistantship, bank-insurance, commercial-sales, accounting-management-payroll, graphic filing, customer relations ...