UFR de Strasbourg

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The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is responsible for the teaching of mathematics and computer science at the University of Strasbourg at all levels except in DUT. As the UFR (Research Training Unit) indicates, the majority of teachers are also researchers active in their discipline.

As part of their research activities, the research faculty of the UFR are all attached to a research unit, the Advanced Mathematical Research Institute (IRMA), for mathematicians and the Laboratory of Sciences Image, Computer Science and T ld tection (LSIIT) for computer scientists.

At the level of education, the UFR offers two honors (bac +3) and a master's degree (bac +5): Mathématiques and Informatique. Each master's degree is split into several specialties. In addition, there are many special formations. For the future students, detailed information on our training courses can be found in the lyc en area. Students of the UFR will be able to consult the student space.

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