langue en Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd - 03/05/2019

It's what we do

Its what we do its an adventure and its epic. Meet some of the people who make it all happen.

Life doesn't come to you, so go to it and let it fly. Youll see that on our adverts but it also reflects our internal culture. It defines us and means as much to our people as it does to our customers. We pride ourselves on our spontaneity and intuition.

We thought it was time to celebrate who we are, what we do and our irrepressible attitude to life. Its easy to take flying for granted, especially when you do it every day. But what we do is far from normal and its important that we take a bit of time out to remind ourselves of the complex, emotional and wonderful thing that is our day to day operation and the people who make it happen.

We took a cameraman out for a few days to meet as many people in as many roles as we could. We filmed two days at Heathrow, two at Crawley, where our offices and training facilities are based, and then hopped on a quick flight to New York to film our teams onboard and in our North America office. The result was this video which we think really represents who we are and what we do. Oh, and no cats were harmed in the making of this film.