langue fr Jonathan Lee Recruitment Limited - 16/08/2022

Unsure whether to apply for a job? Contact the recruiter #TopTipTuesday 29/52

Are you ruling yourself out of applying for a job too quickly?

An often-quoted statistic is that men will apply for jobs where they meet around 60% of the required elements, whilst women apply only where they meet 100% of the requirements.

It is easy however to look at a job advert and rule yourself out too quickly.In the current marketplace, most employers are more concerned with recruiting the right talent for their business, not just in ticking boxes.

If the job appeals to you and you have some of the relevant experience, pick up the phone and speak to the recruiter or consultant to find out more about the role and requirements before ruling yourself out.

Its the recruiters job to work in the interests of both the employer and the candidates and a conversation will soon let you know if you would be a fit for the role.Theyre also likely to have other opportunities if the job is not for you!