langue fr Jonathan Lee Recruitment Limited - 15/12/2022

Time your job search #toptiptuesday 45/52

We have been at the forefront of the recruitment industry for over four decades meaning we can keep a close eye on how things have changed over time.

Most years we have found that there is a significant increase in the number of people who begin their job search in either September or January; once theyve returned to work after a holiday period and realised they are no longer fulfilled in their role.

However, in 2022, this spike has been less noticeable. Some people recommend timing your job search to the off peak months as this might mean less competition and therefore more chance of landing your dream job but we advise caution.

Skills are in demand and so in order to get your timing right, you should sign up for job alerts from key recruitment companies, or job boards.

Be specific about what you are looking for and be ready to go when the right job comes along so that you are at the front of the queue.