langue fr Kitamura Machinery - 13/08/2020

Mycenter-HX400iG/500 - Small on Floor Space, Big on Work Envelope Size

@KitamuraMachinery2 The 400mm with the compact footprint and HUGE work envelope (True Work Envelope). So many features, so many possibilities to multiply your production capabilities.

*Side note - If you have been thinking 500mm, this machine may be able to handle your work piece. Double check that work envelope!

Solid Box Way Design
Choice of 15k or 20k Spindles
Standard and High Performance Conveyors Available
Add 6, 8, 14 or 21 Pallets in the Field
Add up to 200 Tools in the Field
Swap 400mm for 500mm Tables in the Field
Fastest in class rapids on X,Y,Z and Full B-Axis
Unmatched Accuracy ±0.002mm (±0.000079)/Full Stroke