langue fr ARIANESPACE - 25/10/2020

Launch XP VA253

Arianespace has introduced an exciting new way to enjoy its flights while respecting social distancing rules: Launch XP.

This innovative experience allows customers and other participants to watch the mission unfold from a virtual control room where they also are privy to commentary, interviews, payload profiles and more.

Launch XP was utilized for the first time with our latest Ariane 5 flight that orbited Galaxy 30, the Mission Extension Vehicle-2 and BSAT-4b.

The second Launch XP virtual experience will accompany Arianespaces next flight from the Spaceport in French Guiana, a November mission that will orbit Spains SEOSAT-Ingenio high-resolution optical imaging platform and the French Taranis microsatellite, in partnership with CNES, ESA and Avio.

Special thanks to Maxar Technologies, the Launch XP event sponsor for Flight VA253.