langue fr CORENDON AIRLINES - 21/06/2021

Corendon Sport Talks Episode 8 : Önder Yurdagül | SUBTITLED - Corendon Airlines

Corendon Sport Talks video serimizin sekizinci bölümünde konuumuz Önder Yurdagül!

Bu video serisinde ünlü sporcular, spor yöneticileri ve spora katk salayan önemli figürleri arlyor, onlar daha yakndan tanyoruz.

Serimizin yeni bölümünde, hem sporcu hem eitmen hem de yönetici rollerinde spora büyük katklar sunmu ve sunmaya devam eden Önder Yurdagül ile Megasaray Tenis Akademisi ev sahipliinde çok keyifli bir sohbet gerçekletirdik. Ayn zamanda, 21 tenis kortuna sahip, dünyann bir çok bölgesinden sporcular arlayan ve milli ve uluslararas bir çok turnuvaya ev sahiplii yapan bu ahane tesisi de gezme frsat yakaladk.

Türkiye Bedensel Engelliler Spor Federasyonu Asbakan Önder Yurdagül ile spor kariyerini, Türkiye'yi spor turizminde marka ülke yapma hedeflerini ve bedensel engelli sporcularn baarlarn konutuumuz deerli sohbetimizi sizlerin de beeniyle izleyeceinizi umuyoruz!

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The guest of the eighth episode of our Corendon Sport Talks video series is Önder Yurdagül!

In this video series, we welcome famous athletes, sports executives, and important figures who contribute to sports, and we get to know them better.

In the new episode of our series, hosted by Megasaray Tennis Academy, we had a very pleasant conversation with Önder Yurdagül, who has made and continues to make great contributions to sports as an athlete, as a trainer and as a manager. Here, we also had a chance to witness the beautiful facility consist of 21 tennis courts welcomes many athletes around the world and hosts national and international tournaments.

We hope that you will enjoy our valuable conversation with Önder Yurdagül, Vice President of the Turkish Sports Federation For The Physically Disabled, that we talked about his sports career, the goal of making Turkey a brand country in sports tourism, and the achievements of physically disabled athletes!

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Yapmc / Producer : Göken Bozkoyunlu
Sunucu / Moderator : Baak Koç
Yönetmen / Director : Serdar Özkan
Kamera: Mustafa Gündüz
Sedat Koçak
Özcan Aksunger
Mustafa Eser
Kurgu / Post-Production : Utku Kundakç
Görsel&Efekt / Visual&Effects : Mustafa lkay Tapik
Çeviri / Translation : Kerem Keskiner
Yapm Ajans / Producer Agency : Medesia
Yapm / Production : Kanguru Film
letiim Ajans / PR Agency : ON letiim
aret Dili / Sign Language : Neslihan Kurt