langue fr Lightspeed Aviation - 19/10/2021

Aviation No Tie Downs: Were going to put it in the trees

Episode 1
In the Spring of 2021, Truman OBrien and Craig Beles, two pilots from Vashon Island, WA experienced what pilots prepare for and fear the most a crash landing in hostile terrain. Returning from dropping off one of their planes for a paint job, engine failure just south of Mt. St. Helens, WA caused them to use some incredible decision-making skills as they rapidly descended to the forest floor. Watch this first part in a 4-part series to hear what was going through the heads as they put it in the trees.

Read more about Truman and Craig's story here:

Learn more about Aerial Emergency Survival by downloading our eBook here:

Listen as Jeff Hoyt, from radio show: Hoytus Interruptus, talks about Truman and Craig's crash in the episode: Cavorting With Calamity: