langue fr BAE Systems PLC - 02/09/2022

Data-driven manufacturing | Factory of the Future

The Tempest Future Combat Air System (FCAS) with its driver to halve the timescales and significantly reduce cost demands a whole new approach to manufacturing. Here, Dan explains the potential opportunities using cobotics rather than fixed conventional machines could provide.

In our Factory of the Future, we're taking a model-based engineering approach, where we use digital models and synthetic testing before any physical work takes place, saving significant time and money. But the biggest enabler of the future factory environment by far is data engineering the collection, collation, management and exploitation of data. With FCAS, we will process more data in a single year than constitutes every digital photo ever taken. Our factory will deal in petabytes of data, from initial modelling through to shop-floor manufacturing.

We're developing and testing 5G enabled technologies around the factory. This internet of things (IoT) approach is essential to deliver accurate data from partners into the hands of engineers, and to drive the robotic manufacturing technologies. We can envisage scenarios where our supply chain is collaborating with us in secure cloud environments, from tablet devices alongside aircraft in production.

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