langue fr Thomson Airways - 04/03/2024

Attractions and Entertainment at Disneyland® Paris | TUI

Whether youre a family, couple or a group of mates, this video is for you. Our experts reveal the best things to do at the two incredible Disneyland® Paris Parks: Disneyland® Park and Walt Disney Studios® Park. Spoiler: both are full of attractions and entertainment for all ages and tastes. Plus, the lowdown on the shops, cinema complex and food picks at Disney Village®.

Children will love Fantasyland home to beloved Disney Characters like Snow White and Peter Pan and Marvel Avengers Campus where they can meet some of their favourite Marvel Superheroes. Plus, theres Production Courtyard, with incredible live shows and a chance to explore the haunted Hollywood Tower Hotel. Want to know about the fast-track options and the best attractions for thrill seekers? Youre in luck, too.

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Contents of the video and timings can be found below. Simply click on the time of the section you want to learn more about.
00:00 Welcome
00:17 Disney Parks
00:29 Disneyland Park
01:57 Walt Disney Studios Park
02:51 Attractions for thrill seekers
03:10 Attractions for children
03:36 Fast-track options
04:12 Disney Village