langue fr AEQUS AEROSPACE - 08/04/2024

Our Impactful Stories 2023-24 | Aequs Foundation | Aequs Private Limited

Aequs Foundation embarked on a series of impactful projects in 2023-24, leaving a lasting imprint on the communities where we operate. Our efforts ranged from educational initiatives to healthcare support and environmental sustainability projects. Through strategic collaborations and dedicated efforts, we were able to address pressing issues and make tangible differences in people's lives. As we look ahead to the upcoming year, we are excited to expand our reach and engage in even more transformative activities that foster social change and create meaningful impact in the communities we serve.

Aequs Foundation, the CSR wing of Aequs is dedicated to creating positive social impact through various initiatives, including education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability, empowering communities, and fostering a brighter future for all.