langue fr MTU Aero Engines AG - 04/06/2020

Potentials of steam-injected and water-recovering gas turbine

MTU Aero Engine has been developing engines since the early days of aviation. Currently MTU is continuing to work on revolutionary and evolutionary propulsion concepts with the goal of emission-free flying for tomorrows aviation. Another promising step in this direction is the development of the steam-injected and water-recovering gas turbine.

To be precise,, this is a steam-injected core engine with wet combustion and an exhaust heat recovery steam generator. The exhaust flow system is integrated into the aircraft structure. The condenser and water recovery system is aircraft-mounted.

This gas turbine could enable us to reach the 2050 Flightpath goals. Because it enables almost climate-neutral flying using sustainably produced fuels and all relevant flight emissions can be reduced. More information on MTUs technology developments can be found on the website: