langue fr MTU Aero Engines AG - 04/06/2020

MTUs concept for a revolutionary composite-cycle engine

Ambitious goals demand innovative concepts. MTU has always been at the forefront of creating revolutionary propulsion concepts. Currently MTU is working on a composite-cycle engine that could help reach the flightpath 2050 targets.

With a gas turbine topped with multiple free-piston systems this engine could significantly increase thermal efficiency. The turbomachinery is operated with highly energized working gas provided by these free-piston systems. This revolutionary propulsion concept can pave the way for the economical use of sustainably produced fuels and therefore contribute to the achievement of the flightpath 2050 targets set by the European Commission.

Being in business for 85 years now, MTU offers innovative engine solutions and works on revolutionary and evolutionary propulsion concepts with the goal of emission-free flying for tomorrows aviation. Today, one of three commercial aircraft has MTU technology on board. Find out more on our website: