langue en Rolls-Royce - 23/02/2016

Generation Aerospace at the 2016 Singapore Airshow

Highlights from the Rolls-Royce Generation Aerospace exhibition on display at the 2016 Singapore Airshow.

The interactive exhibition aims to expose Singaporean youths to the opportunities in the aerospace industry, encourage them to consider STEM-related careers and to be a part of an industry with a truly global impact.

It showcases how the best and most innovative Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) ideas and principles find application and impact in all areas of the aerospace industry.

Through the Generation Aerospace exhibition, students will be taken on a journey Singapores aerospace industry and how it has developed world-class capabilities to build, fly and service aerospace engines for the world.

Showcased alongside the Trent 1000 engine, which powers the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, was Rolls-Royces iconic wide chord fan blade, providing students with the chance to have a close up look at one of the most crucial components of an airplane engine.

Students were also be encouraged to participate actively throughout the exhibition, while Rolls-Royce employees were present to guide the students and provide insight into the industry as they share their own first-hand experience.