CVA (Communauté des Villes Ariane)

CVA (Communauté des Villes Ariane)

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The Community of Ariane Cities - CVA - was founded in 1998 as a non-profit association. Registered in France, the mission of the CVA is to strengthen cooperation between cities and industrial organizations involved in the Ariane space transport programs and to inform citizens about the advantages of European space transport activities and Guyana France, which is the host of Europe's spaceport.

Through the organization of joint technical, cultural, educational and public programs, the CVA brings together more closely the members of the city administration, universities, educational and industrial entities and citizens in their sectors of influence. Each city is usually represented by its local or regional administration and by an industrial enterprise.

Programs are decided by consensus between the members, who meet at the Council of Mayors, the decision-making body chaired annually by a different city. The execution of programs and day-to-day operations are the responsibilities of the Bureau and the General Delegation.

To date, the CVA has 40 members and the head office of the association is located in EVRY.

Focus or key study according to the Ariane objective
Technical courses
Technical visits
Language training
Intercultural group work
Cultural and leisure events
Report and presentation of the work done, discussion, jury and award

4 weeks of seminars and group work scheduled in July and / or August

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